Santa Suerte Blue Plaster – Tela – 100x150cm

Tecnica mista su tela

La Dea Bendata, una santa pagana che ho eletto addirittura a Regina come si usa, nell’iconografia cattolica, con certe Madonne. La Dea Fortuna diventa icona protettrice d’interi popoli flagellati dalla pandemia. Esorcismo e superstizione quindi, antichi e postmoderni al tempo stesso.

Né Pop Art, né Urban Art. Oppure entrambe ma mediate attraverso un processo di stampa relativamente recente risalente ai primi del ‘900. 


Opera unica,  2022


Misure: 100 x 150 cm

Venduto con cornice 


L’opera è in vendita presso la Pop House Gallery di Udine

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Mixed media on canvas

The Blindfolded Goddess, a pagan saint who I even appointed as a Queen as it is customary to do in the Catholic iconography with certain Madonnas. The Goddess Fortuna becomes the protective icon of entire peoples scourged by the pandemic. Therefore exorcisms and superstition, ancient and postmodern at the same time.

Neither Pop Art, nor Urban Art. Or even both but mediated through a relatively recent printing process dating back to the early 1900s.


Unique work, 2022


Size : 19,68 x 19,68 inches


Sold with frame


The work is on sale at the Pop House Gallery di Udine

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